The outward curve of the triggers is certainly more comfortable and, in a cute touch, audio logs play out of the pad's surprisingly loud and clear speaker.īut it's the sticks that are the revelation. You absolutely won't want to go back to playing first-person shooters on a DualShock 3 after you've tried Shadow Fall on the PS4's DualShock 4 controller. Although you play Lucas Kellen, an ISA Shadow Marshal - a blend of spy and super-soldier - the storyline is as keen to expose the ISA's double standards and dirty tricks as it is the Helghans' cruelty and dogma. The writers play it with a touch of even-handed Euro-cynicism, too. The artists draw a striking contrast between the Vektans' spires of curving glass and the Helghans' canyon-like container cities, between propaganda and advertising logos.

It doesn't bear close examination perhaps, but it's still a setting rich with visual and thematic potential, which Guerrilla is initially keen to exploit. (An alternative reading of Vekta City as Jersualem isn't any more comfortable.) Vekta City is now a clear analogue for Berlin, divided by a giant wall - although it's best to drop the comparison there, since as genocide survivors, the Helghans now seem to be representing Jews, Soviets and Nazis all at once. With their home planet destroyed, the Helghan people have struck an uneasy truce with the Interplanetary Strategic Alliance and made a home alongside their former enemies on the lush consumer paradise of Vekta. The Killzone saga has so far been a straight take of World War Two in space, with the fascistic Helghast and their orange goggles filling in for the Nazis now Shadow Fall jumps us forward three decades to a Cold War. That's consistent with the game's setting and tone, which swap wartime grit for tension and intrigue. Unlike the bombastic Killzone 3, Shadow Fall doesn't have to go big to wow you. It's not subtle, but who cares, it's gorgeous - and it gives even the game's smaller-scale locations and more intimate moments a glossy, opulent air.
Killzone shadow fall theme Ps4#
The PS4 has unthrottled the artists' access to this art and they have run amok, drenching every corner of the game in luscious sunsets, glistening reflections, glaring lens flare and richly coloured, mote-filled shafts of neon. What you really notice is the lighting - dear God, the lighting. The fidelity of the artwork is eye-watering in places a narrow alley in a shanty town can be just as breathtaking in its detail as the vertiginous, aerial establishing shot that runs under the credits. Watch us play through an early level of Killzone Shadow Fall.Īlongside the technology is the craft. Guerrilla's technicians have made this machine sing. Or we can talk feel, which is knife-sharp and rock-solid.
Killzone shadow fall theme 1080p#
We can talk numbers: it runs at a native 1080p resolution and at 30 frames per second in the campaign, 60 in multiplayer, with not a hint of screen tear or judder or slowdown, and just a little texture pop-in. If you want to give your new console a thorough workout, this is the game to get there is clear water between it and even the best of the multi-format games. If Guerrilla has let itself down a little - only half-delivering on its brief for a more involving story and game design - then at least it has done Sony proud. However, the result is still a solidly enjoyable and technically outstanding debut for the new system.

It was a lot to take on, and something was bound to give.

The Amsterdam team gave themselves just two and a half years to make a game that would not only show the world what PlayStation 4 could do, but rethink what a Killzone game could be. To its credit, Guerrilla Games seized this opportunity with both hands. You're going to have to cut features and corners the game is probably not going to be quite what you wanted it to be. You need to make the game on a tight schedule, to a hard deadline, and on shifting technical sands. The opportunity is immense: the world's eyes will be on your game. Making the flagship launch game for a new console - a role Killzone Shadow Fall plays for PlayStation 4 - can be a make-or-break moment for a game developer.